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Edward Flagg
Department of Physics and Astronomy
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Quantum Summer School 2024

Learn about quantum technology in a free 1-week summer school!

Dozens of start-ups and big tech companies in the quantum technology space like IBM, Intel, and Google need scientists and engineers with an awareness and basic understanding of quantum computing and quantum communication. If you are majoring in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM), this week-long summer school will teach you what you need to know without requiring any previous exposure to quantum mechanics. By the end, you will understand the fundamental mechanisms underlying quantum computing---superposition, entanglement, and interference---explain how quantum cryptography works, construct and analyze basic quantum circuits, and use IBM's python package Qiskit to interface with real quantum computers via the internet.

What: 1-week Quantum Summer School.

For Whom: STEM majors of any level interested in learning about quantum technology.

When: May 19-24, 2024.

Where: Department of Physics and Astronomy, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.

Cost: FREE!

To Apply: click here for registration form.

Deadline to apply: April 15th, 2024.

Apply by April 15th, 2024, to be eligible for a travel award to fully cover transportation, lodging, and catering.

Questions? Contact us at


  • Quantum computing short course: learn the basics of quantum mechanics and how they apply to quantum computing, communication, and cryptography.
  • Games that teach concepts from quantum mechanics, quantum computing, and quantum cryptography.
  • Building and analyzing quantum circuits in the computer lab with quantum computing python package Qiskit.
  • Demonstrations of quantum-optical experiments.


Arrive: afternoon of Sunday, 5/19. Reception on Sunday evening.
Daily: begin at 9 am; end at 5 pm.
Depart: after lunch on Friday, 5/24.